
Concept Explanation


Silk: It was first developed in China. It is obtained the cocoon of silkworm. Each silkworm spins a thread upto 800m long to make a cocoon. The cocoon is boiled in water to kill the worm. It is then unwound to get the silk fibre. The rearing of silkworm for production of silk is called ‘sericulture’

Characteristics of Silk fibre:

  • Silk clothes are better absorbers of heat than cotton clothes, so they are used in winter also.
  • Silk can be ironed easily and it resists wrinkles.
  • Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Boojho went to a cloth shop. There he found a fabric, which was smooth to touch, had vibrant colour and shine. the fabric could be

    Right Option : C
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    Which of the following fibre is stronger than steel wire?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    ________________  is obtained the cocoon of silkworm.

    Right Option : D
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